Monday, September 30, 2019

Monsoons in India

It involves clearing a patch of forest land, but retaining useful trees and plant varieties, cultivating it for two to three years and then abandoning it for 10-20 years to allow the natural forest to grow back and the soil to regain its fertility. The cycle of cultivation, leaving it fallow and coming back to it for cultivation, is called the Jhum cycle. Traditionally, a village community owns/controls the forest land and decides on such rotational cultivation pattern. Thus the community cultivates land for its livelihood while practising conservation and taking care of the ecological balance. However, with the population pressure, communities wanting to grow more food have cleared greater chunks of forest lands and returned to the fallow plots much sooner than 10-20 years. The length of the fallow phase between two successive cropping phases has come down to even two to three years in some places. This has resulted in soil degradation, fall in yield, lower returns, and reduction in green cover. It is this change in traditional practice, arising out of changing conditions, that has given jhum agriculture a bad name. Separately, forests are being exploited for timber and hills are being flattened for soil and stones. Often, this denuding of the forest too is blamed upon jhum cultivation. The state government has come out with various schemes to provide the jhumais with alternate means of livelihood and wean them away from jhuming. However the needs of the jhum cultivators have not been assessed rightly and these schemes have met with limited success or have completely failed. It is important to state here that shifting cultivation should not be confused with slash-and-burn. Slash-and-burn is a mere land clearing method used by many people around the globe to open up forest land and use it for permanent agriculture. On the contrary, shifting cultivation is an integrated farming system involving forestry, agriculture and strong social organisation on the part of the communities. Ecologically, the practice of jhum has a deleterious effect on the local environment, while others have often thwarted those arguments and proved that jhum in fact is a sustainable form of agricultural production best suited for the specific ecology of the hill regions. The arguments against jhum have included projecting it as an unsustainable practice that depletes the soil of nutrients, reducing the forest cover, causing landslides, etc. Arguments against jhum have come from state forestry departments, development ministries like DONER (Development Of North East Region) or trade promoting entities like the World Bank who lean towards utilisation of the region's forest resources for the benefit of national and private capital. In addition, private entities wishing to utilise the land for specific profit-making ventures, like extraction industries, utilise these arguments to push the state to wean away local villagers from practicing jhum in order to lease the land. This has happened in the hill regions of Meghalaya and Assam where corrupt or otherwise, village councils leased out land to private and national corporations for extraction industries including coal, limestone, and uranium in the future. In addition, the paper industry has pushed for the growth of bamboo by villagers as a cash crop replacing an egalitarian cultivation system with one that has created a small mercantilist class controlling all bamboo production. However, these arguments have been rebutted by many scientists, including studies by organisations like the Indian Institute of Science, Tata Energy Research Institute and UNESCO who have proved in different ways that jhum is indeed a sustainable form of agriculture best suited to the rainy hill regions of Northeast India, over other forms of agriculture such as valley or terrace cultivation. Studies have further proved that, contrary to arguments of soil infertility, the practice of jhum ensures that fallowness in the soil is not compromised on, and often rapid regeneration of the vegetation takes place once a tract of land is abandoned after cultivation. CLIMATE CHANGE Climate Change & its Impact on India India, the seventh largest country in the world and the second largest in Asia, has a total geographical area of 329 Mha, of which only 305 Mha is the reporting area (the area as per the land records of villages and towns). The mainland stretches from 8 4†² N to 37 6†² N and 68 7†² E to 97 25†² E. It has a land frontier of 15,200 km and a coastline of 7,516 km. India, the seventh largest country in the world and the second largest in Asia, has a total geographical area of 329 Mha, of which only 305 Mha is the reporting area (the area as per the land records of villages and towns). The mainland stretches from 8o4†² N to 37o6†² N and 68o7†² E to 97o 25†² E. It has a land frontier of 15,200 km and a coastline of 7,516 km. In developing countries like India, climate change could represent an additional stress on cological and socioeconomic systems that are already facing tremendous pressures due to rapid urbanization, industrialization and economic development. With its huge and growing population, a 7500-km long densely populated and low-lying coastline, and an economy that is closely tied to its natural resource base, India is considerably vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. The various studies conducted in the country have shown that the surface air temperatures in India are going up at the rate of 0. 4oC per hundred years, particularly during the post-monsoon and winter season. Using models, they predict that mean winter temperatures will increase by as much as 3. 2oC in the 2050s and 4. 5oC by 2080s, due to Greenhouse gases. Summer temperatures will increase by 2. 2oC in the 2050s and 3. 2oC in the 2080s. Extreme temperatures and heat spells have already become common over Northern India, often causing loss of human life. In 1998 alone, 650 deaths occurred in Orissa due to heat waves. Climate change has had an effect on the monsoons too. India is heavily dependent on the monsoon to meet its agricultural and water needs, and also for protecting and propagating its rich biodiversity. Subtle changes have already been noted in the monsoon rain patterns by scientists at IIT, Delhi. They also warn that India will experience a decline in summer rainfall by the 2050s, summer rainfall accounts for almost 70% of the total annual rainfall over India and is crucial to Indian agriculture. Relatively small climatic changes can cause large water resource problems, particularly in arid and semi-arid regions such as northwest India. This will have an impact on agriculture, drinking water and on generation of hydro-electric power. Apart from monsoon rains, India uses perennial rivers, which originate and depend on glacial melt-water in the Hindukush and Himalayan ranges. Since the melting season coincides with the summer monsoon season, any intensification of the monsoon is likely to contribute to flood disasters in the Himalayan catchment. Rising temperatures will also contribute to the raising of snowline, reducing the capacity of this natural reservoir, and increasing the risk of flash floods during the wet season. Increased temperatures will impact agricultural production. Higher temperatures reduce the total duration of a crop cycle by inducing early flowering, thus shortening the `grain fill’ period. The shorter the crop cycle, the lower the yield per unit area. A trend of sea level rise of 1 cm per decade has been recorded along the Indian coast. Sea level rise due to thermal expansion of sea water in the Indian Ocean is expected to be about 25-040 cm by 2050. This could inundate low lying areas, down coastal marshes and wetlands, erode beaches, exacerbate flooding and increase the salinity of rivers, bays and aquifers. Deltas will be threatened by flooding, erosion and salt intrusion. Loss of coastal mangroves will have an impact on fisheries. The major delta area of the Ganga, Brahmaputra and Indus rivers, which have large populations reliant on riverine resources will be affected by changes in water regimes, salt water intrusions and land loss. Increase in temperatures will result in shifts of lower altitude tropical and subtropical forests to higher altitude temperate forest regions, resulting in the extinction of some temperate vegetation types. Decrease in rainfall and the resultant soil moisture stress could result in drier teak dominated forests replacing sal trees in central India. Increased dry spells could also place dry and moist deciduous forests at increased risk from forest fires. Medical Science suggests that the rise in temperature and change in humidity will adversely affect human health in India. Heat stress could result in heat cramps, heat exhaustion, heal stroke, and damage physiological functions, metabolic processes and immune systems. Increased temperatures can increase the range of vector borne diseases such as malaria, particularly in regions where minimum temperatures currently limited pathogen and vector development. as one of the first in Asia to recognize the effectiveness of the Export Processing Zone (EPZ) model in promoting exports, with Asia's first EPZ set up in Kandla in 1965. With a view to overcome the shortcomings experienced on account of the multiplicity of controls and clearances; absence of world-class infrastructure, and an unstable fiscal regime and with a view to attract larger foreign investments in India, the Special Econ omic Zones (SEZs) Policy was announced in April 2000. This policy intended to make SEZs an engine for economic growth supported by quality infrastructure complemented by an attractive fiscal package, both at the Centre and the State level, with the minimum possible regulations. SEZs in India functioned from 1. 11. 2000 to 09. 02. 2006 under the provisions of the Foreign Trade Policy and fiscal incentives were made effective through the provisions of relevant statutes. To instill confidence in investors and signal the Government's commitment to a stable SEZ policy regime and with a view to mpart stability to the SEZ regime thereby generating greater economic activity and employment through the establishment of SEZs, a comprehensive draft SEZ Bill prepared after extensive discussions with the stakeholders. A number of meetings were held in various parts of the country both by the Minister for Commerce and Industry as well as senior officials for this purpose. The Special Economic Zones Act, 2005, was passed by Parliament in May, 2005 whic h received Presidential assent on the 23rd of June, 2005. The draft SEZ Rules were widely discussed and put on the website of the Department of Commerce offering suggestions/comments. Around 800 suggestions were received on the draft rules. After extensive consultations, the SEZ Act, 2005, supported by SEZ Rules, came into effect on 10th February, 2006, providing for drastic simplification of procedures and for single window clearance on matters relating to central as well as state governments. The main objectives of the SEZ Act are: (a)generation of additional economic activity (b)promotion of exports of goods and services; c)promotion of investment from domestic and foreign sources; (d)creation of employment opportunities; (e)development of infrastructure facilities; It is expected that this will trigger a large flow of foreign and domestic investment in SEZs, in infrastructure and productive capacity, leading to generation of additional economic activity and creation of employment opportunities. The SEZ Act 2005 envisages key role for th e State Governments in Export Promotion and creation of related infrastructure. A Single Window SEZ approval mechanism has been provided through a 19 member inter-ministerial SEZ Board of Approval (BoA). The applications duly recommended by the respective State Governments/UT Administration are considered by this BoA periodically. All decisions of the Board of approvals are with consensus. The SEZ Rules provide for different minimum land requirement for different class of SEZs. Every SEZ is divided into a processing area where alone the SEZ units would come up and the non-processing area where the supporting infrastructure is to be created. was one of the first in Asia to recognize the effectiveness of the Export Processing Zone (EPZ) model in promoting exports, with Asia's first EPZ set p in Kandla in 1965. With a view to overcome the shortcomings experienced on account of the multiplicity of controls and clearances; absence of world-class infrastructure, and an unstable fiscal regime and with a view to attract larger foreign investments in India, the Special Economic Zones (SEZs) Policy was announced in April 2000. This policy intended to make SEZs an engine for economic growth sup ported by quality infrastructure complemented by an attractive fiscal package, both at the Centre and the State level, with the minimum possible regulations. SEZs in India functioned from 1. 11. 2000 to 09. 02. 006 under the provisions of the Foreign Trade Policy and fiscal incentives were made effective through the provisions of relevant statutes. To instill confidence in investors and signal the Government's commitment to a stable SEZ policy regime and with a view to impart stability to the SEZ regime thereby generating greater economic activity and employment through the establishment of SEZs, a comprehensive draft SEZ Bill prepared after extensive discussions with the stakeholders. A number of meetings were held in various parts of the country both by the Minister for Commerce and Industry as well as senior officials for this purpose. The Special Economic Zones Act, 2005, was passed by Parliament in May, 2005 which received Presidential assent on the 23rd of June, 2005. The draft SEZ Rules were widely discussed and put on the website of the Department of Commerce offering suggestions/comments. Around 800 suggestions were received on the draft rules. After extensive consultations, the SEZ Act, 2005, supported by SEZ Rules, came into effect on 10th February, 2006, providing for drastic simplification of procedures and for single window clearance on matters relating to central as well as state governments.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Gender and Communication Essay

When we think of gender, we often think of male or female; that’s only half of understanding gender. The denotations of male and female actually refer to biological and physiological sex. Gender is a sociological construct of values, ideals, and behaviors about what it means to be either male or female, and are often regarded in terms of masculine or feminine, respectively. Many people use sex and gender interchangeably, but one does not have to be male to identify as masculine, and vice versa. we have both a biological, physical characteristic;sex with a superimposed cultural construct gender. The same applies to both race and culture, respectively. Race refers to groups of people who are distinguished by shared physical characteristics, such as skin color and hair type. Culture refers to the customs, habits, and value systems of groups of people. People of the same race may not share the same culture; similarly, a culture isn’t necessarily comprised of people of the same race. Women and men communicate most effectively when they understand the â€Å"invisible rules† unique to each gender. Research presented by Dr. Pat Heim in her video, â€Å"The Invisible Rules: Men, Women and Teams,† indicates that each gender is a â€Å"culture† in itself, raised with invisible rules of conduct instinctively known to all adult members of that gender. Therefore, men and women behave according to two separate sets of rules about what â€Å"right† is. I. Consequently, behavior that seems natural and appropriate to one gender culture can seem baffling, hurtful or wrong to others. When we work with someone of the opposite gender and he or she does something that seems a bit strange, we often become intolerant and defensive. We do not realize that men and women come from different cultures, even if they are raised in the same homes, educated in the same schools and live in the same country. II. The two gender cultures are different in many ways. Understanding the invisible rules unique to each gender can help us become better team members and leaders. It is important to remember that these are generalizations on gender behavior based on the 80% portion of the bell curve. There are always exceptions to the rule. Examples given are based on what research tells us. A. In every culture of the world, children are taught to be appropriate adults through the games they play. When boys are growing up, they play baseball, basketball, football, cops and robbers, cowboys and Indians and war, all of which are hierarchical team sports. They learn how to compete, be aggressive, play to win, strategize, take risks and mask emotions. Playing their assigned role in the hierarchy, boys learn to obey their coach unquestioningly, become leaders and play with people they do not like. In essence, boys learn how to garner power, manage conflict and win or lose without becoming emotionally involved with their â€Å"competitors. † B. More than likely, the girls we grew up with were not playing team sports. Girls play with people they like (usually one-on-one) and learn their cultural lessons from â€Å"doll games† in which there are no winners or losers. Girl play reinforces â€Å"getting along and being nice,† protecting friendships by negotiating differences, seeking win-win situations and focusing on what is fair for all instead of winners and losers. C. girls (unlike boys) have â€Å"flat† versus hierarchical relationships. A very important rule in women’s culture is that the power in interpersonal relationships is always kept â€Å"dead even. † There is never a â€Å"boss doll player. † Girls who try to be the boss quickly learn that this damages friendships. Consequently, when adult women enter a hierarchical workplace, they often attempt to equalize power, negotiate relationships and share power equally. III. Does this mean that since the Coast Guard is a hierarchical organization, women cannot succeed? Of course not. Does it mean that the hierarchical leadership style is always the appropriate choice? Again, absolutely not. The command and control leadership style associated with a hierarchy works most effectively in time-bound situations, when there is no alternative or in emergencies. For example, on scene at an urgent search-and-rescue case, the command and control style works best. Time is limited, one person needs to be in control of the situation and everyone needs to fulfill their specific roles. A. However, take the same SAR case and look at what is going on in the Operations Center. There, the supervisor needs the expertise and ideas of everyone on watch to make the best decision. Each person might provide additional ideas as to how the case could best be handled. In a flat structure then, the leadership style is based on involvement. B. This style works most effectively when you need creativity and psychological buy in and you need them to make it work. Clearly, the Coast Guard has many different situations that require different leadership styles. Using the same style in every situation is a quick recipe for ineffectiveness. By understanding the different styles, we can more successfully choose the appropriate one for the situation. IV. Sometimes the tendency for women to associate with one style and men to associate with the other leads to misunderstandings. For example, on a large cutter, a male chief was supervising a female second class petty officer. He directed her to perform a certain task. After listening to the tasking, the petty officer recommended an alternate method that she had learned at another unit and proved to be very successful. A. The chief assumed that she was being insubordinate. In his view, being a team player meant knowing your role in the hierarchy and playing your role without question. The chief’s anger and unwillingness to listen to her ideas made the petty officer feel unwelcome on the team. For her, being a team player meant helping the group by recommending ideas that might benefit the team. B. The two different structures (hierarchical versus flat) have different definitions of what makes a good team player. Both members were working within the invisible rules that had been programmed into them from an early age. Neither felt good about the interaction, and their trust in each other was seriously damaged. Had either of them been aware of the differing styles, this unpleasant situation could have been avoided. conclusion As you can see, the unique socializing experiences of men and women as they grow up create separate rules and realities for each gender. It is not a matter of who is â€Å"right† or â€Å"wrong. † One challenge that women face today is that most organizations are run by the rules of team sports. This fact does not absolve women from learning the hierarchical, goal-focused rules of most men, nor does it absolve men from the need to learn about the strengths of the flat, process-oriented focus most women bring to the workplace. The Coast Guard needs both styles to be successful. It is important to promote the best possible communication between men and women in the workplace. As we move between the male and female cultures, we sometimes have to change how we behave; speak the language of the other gender to gain the best results from the situation. Clearly, successful organizations of the future are going to have leaders and team members who understand, respect and apply the rules of gender culture appropriately.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Income Tax Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Income Tax - Coursework Example 2. Wages and salaries was composed of: †¨Salary taken by Ronni,  £25,000 †¨Wages paid to Bryn (Ronni’s father) for work done to repair bicycles, at a rate of  £20 per hour (30 hrs x 48 weeks) =  £28,800 †¨Wages paid to assistant bicycle repairer at a rate of  £15 per hour (30 hrs x 48 weeks) =  £21,600 †¨Casual help in shop,  £5,400 †¨Ã¢â‚¬ ¨ 4. Repairs and renewals was composed of: †¨Repairs to warehouse floor  £850 †¨Repairs to flat above shop  £750 †¨Cleaning materials  £300 †¨Cleaning contract for shop and workshop †¨Ã‚ £500 †¨Sundry small items  £250 †¨Ã¢â‚¬ ¨Ã¢â‚¬ ¨Ã¢â‚¬ ¨ 5. Motor Expenses mainly for the cost of running Ronni’s estate car used for collecting/delivering broken/mended bicycles and for transporting items for the shop from the cash and carry outlet. Private use of the car had been agreed at 30%. †¨Diesel fuel, car  £8500 †¨Insurance for car  £1200 †¨Repairs, car  £350 †¨Road fund tax, car  £375 †¨Rental of van  £600 †¨Ã¢â‚¬ ¨ 7. Sundry expenses of were composed of: †¨Subscription to magazine, ‘Cycling Today’ †¨Ã‚ £100 †¨Subscription to Green party  £50 †¨Subscription to ‘New Transport Systems’ †¨Ã‚ £24 †¨Sponsorship of local junior school cycling proficiency awards  £50 †¨Donation to Green party  £25 †¨Donation to local hospital A&E department (Ronni had an accident and broke her arm)  £100 †¨Ã¢â‚¬ ¨Postage, stationery and telephone expenses  £100 †¨Ã¢â‚¬ ¨Accountancy charges  £80 †¨Sundry other items  £100†¨Ã¢â‚¬ ¨ Calculate the taxable trading profit for Ronni’s business for the year ended 30 September 2011. †¨You should provide your own data where none is given, ensuring that you retain a taxable trading profit (i.e. not a trading loss) and should ensure that you choose data that will fully demonstrate your knowledge of taxation. Calculate the Income tax payable by Ronni for the tax year 2011/12, providing your own data where none is given, to fully demonstrate your knowledge

Friday, September 27, 2019

Securitarization of Africa Literature review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Securitarization of Africa - Literature review Example r, the modern world dictates that the security of Africa take center-stage in addressing the greatest challenge of the 21st century which is global terrorism, with Africa posing a major risk to the west in this front (Abrahamsen, 2005:57). Therefore, the morality basis of acting, rather than the pure militarization approach is the focus of the Labour Party towards resolving the African problem. However, the major criticism of the securitization approach to Africa is that the African threat has not merited such emergency actions. The desirability of the securitization approach as the means of developing Africa is likely to develop the threat-vulnerability policy approach, which tends to isolate the continent from the perceived enemies (Abrahamsen, 2005:61). Thus, securitization of Africa might be both undesirable and inadequate to address the social economic problem of Africa that is characterized by underdevelopment, since the approach is merely based on the perceived relationship be tween Africa and international security problem of terrorism (Abrahamsen, 2005:75). Thus, while making an issue a security agenda can give the issue useful political priority, the future of development of Africa needs to be thought from a multiplicity of

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Growth Management vs. Growth Control Research Paper - 1

Growth Management vs. Growth Control - Research Paper Example The community has for years faced poor infrastructure especially in the suburban areas. In its effort to overcome this problem, the mayor invited Dr. Freilich of the London School of Economics to advise him on Growth management policies. This enabled the transport network of the suburban areas to improve. The growth management policy has eased traffic in San Diego. The current and future generations of this community will benefit, and this will foster growth in other sectors (Levy, 2011). In addition, the community uses a tiered system of separating the rural and urban areas. This is as opposed to the old growth boundary line that was in place before implementation of growth management policy. The tiers help the authorities to identify the areas that need more resources in development (Levy, 2011). This ensures that there is balanced growth in the region. Apart from transport sector, growth management has focused on other areas in San Diego. These include housing, sanitation, industrial and commercial sectors. This has made San Diego a conducive environment for its residents and generations to

Southeast Asian in the US Ques 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Southeast Asian in the US Ques 2 - Essay Example Louis says that his father had access to the port and the fishermen there because his job took him there often. The first part of the plan to emigrate from Vietnam included lots of secrecy. Louis says his father made it a point to be very friendly with all of the fishermen for a long time. He made friends with one of these men and they became close. Because of this close friendship, Louis says his father knew that the fisherman was someone that could be trusted. He started to ask him to take him on a trip that would enable him to escape from Vietnam. It took a long time to convince the fisherman to agree to do this. Louis’ father had to pay the man money little by little over the course of an entire year to convince him. It was difficult to convince him because he knew that there was lots of danger involved for him as well. After a year, the fisherman agreed to take on the job. He actually worked to organize a group of people that all wanted to go. This helped to defray the co st of the fuel and the risk for the fisherman. Once the group was ready and had paid, the fisherman took them on a two-week boat journey from Vietnam to Malaysia. The trip was very difficult but it was worth it. Once the Vietnamese immigrants were in Malaysia, things got much easier. The Malaysian government worked quickly to issue visas to the Vietnamese. This allowed movement within the country and the ability to work. Louis said that his father had no desire to stay in Malaysia because opportunities were limited, so he almost immediately caught a boat headed for the Philippines. Upon arrival in the Philippines, he was placed in a refugee camp. It sounds worse than it was. He was given enough food and a clean place to sleep. Moat importantly, he was taught English for six months, so he could get along once he arrived in America. After the six months was up, he moved to California and then on to Boston, which is were he still resides today. My classmate Louis’ father had a v ery different experience immigrating to America than a member of my neighborhood did. Mr. Milanovic emigrated from Bosnia with his wife and two daughters. His decision to immigrate was caused by more urgent circumstances that Louis’ father. The war in Bosnia and Mr. Milanovic’s ethnicity were factors in his immigration. He did not immigrate to America just for a better life. He came to America because his life was not safe in his homeland anymore. Mr. Milanovic saw his nieces, nephews and two of his brothers killed in a raid by Serbs. He says that it is a miracle that his entire family was able to escape intact and alive. Mr. Milanovic knew a friend with a truck that routinely traveled past safe areas where the UN was gathering Bosnian refugees. After the visit to his Brother’s home and the raid by the Serbs, he decided that he needed to get his family out of Bosnia. They packed almost nothing and went to the UN refugee camp to wait. They waited a very long time . He recalls boredom being the real enemy. People would grow tense because there was nothing to do except worry about missing family members. After nearly a full year in the refugee camp, the Milanovic family arrived in the United States. They arrived in Lincoln, Nebraska because that is where the organization that had arranged for sponsors was located. All the Milanovic family knew is that they were going to be taken care of for the first few months in America by

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Introduction to Social Networking Web Sites Essay

Introduction to Social Networking Web Sites - Essay Example Many of the sites are user friendly and available at no charge. Since the sites have shown huge popularity, many businesses are able to use the sites as a form of advertising. Reasons like this are why companies such as Google have invested over 1 billion dollars for a site named You Tube. To further explore a social network it is important to review what a social network is. A social network as defined by an unknown writer from â€Å"what is social networking†, â€Å"as the grouping of individuals into certain groups†. This is very true in the sense that social networking sites group different types of individuals into different groups based on likes and dislikes. Social networking sites have objectives just like any other site. Social networking allows for individuals and businesses to communicate through a virtual setting. An article by Don Lafferty, explains how social networking has contributed in the growth of social enterprises. (Lafferty 2007) Social networking allows individuals to be shown a new form of communication. This is very beneficial to businesses. A common social networking site is Facebook. Facebook allows users to search for friends, create profiles, and have access to businesses and advertisements. Facebook was founded by Mark Zuckerburg Mark was named â€Å"person of the year† in 2010. (Grossdman2010)

Monday, September 23, 2019

To what extent do computational models support constructivist theories Essay

To what extent do computational models support constructivist theories of development - Essay Example On the other hand, few theorists declare it the outcome of child’s interaction with his environment, from where he learns how to act, react and behave at some specific situation. Several theories have been articulated on cognitive development, and researches have been made on different aspects of development in children; four of which have most significant influence on the language skill as well as kindergarten learning process during the initial years of children. These theories include Nativist, Maturationist, Environmentalist and Constructivists ones. Since the study of personality development is an exceedingly complex phenomenon, several theories have been articulated on the question of how a personality passes through different phases of growth from childhood to adolescence, and what are the components which determine transformations in a child from premature years to maturity. In addition, theorists analyse whether the behaviour in people is a learned one or man’s behaviours are due to uncontrollable genetic impulses. Also, variation in intensity of aggression and violence among people is due to difference in their hormones. â€Å"The only influence†, Cervone views, â€Å"which parents would have on their children’s personality is a biological one. They pass their genes on to their children. According to the trait theories, parents’ interpersonal interactions with their children would exert little effect on the child’s personality development.†(2001) Various cognitive theories have bee n articulated in order to examine the role of nature vs. nurture in the development of a personality. All the cognitive schools of thoughts have different views and ideas on child development process, though constructivist theory won imperative popularity and wonderful applause more than the comparatives theories. Piaget and Vygotsky are the pioneers

Sunday, September 22, 2019

ASSIGNMENT REPORT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

ASSIGNMENT REPORT - Essay Example The Forbes Spar store had a 5 percent annual growth. The rapid increase in the number of employee recruitment led to many part time workers. So as to instil efficiency, there was need to develop training programs for the organization. We are currently living in an information age where organizations are routinely valued not only on their physical aspect but on their intellectual capital. Training is one of the main channels of maintaining and improving the intellectual capital, thereby the quality of the training affects the value of the organization. The untrained or poorly trained employees significantly cost more to support than the well-trained employees do.   Training and development is way of motivating the staff in any organization. This is because motivation is what makes people to have that drive to do something thus the driving force of human behaviour. As a result it initiates, guides and maintain the goal oriented behaviours hence motivation it is what drives one to tak e a cause of action. The forces work towards motivation can either be social, biological, emotional or cognitive in nature (Laubly, 2005:6). The process of making decisions include; Defining or identifying the problems faced by the management, having an analysis of the problem, development of alternative solutions, choosing the best solution out of the available alternatives, conversion of the decision into action, and lastly ensuring feedback for the follow-up. It is from this diagnosis that a training program is initiated (Bouyssou, Dubois, & Prade, 2010:25). Training has numerous importance and they include: Workers are helped to focus and also priority is placed on empowering them; the bottom line is positively affected by increasing production; the confidence of the employee is built, developing and keeping the key performers, enabling of team development, and also contributing to better morale of the organization; there is a significant better delivery of customer service by a llowing employees to be kept current on the latest job related information; employees get updates on the new and enhanced skills with an aim of aligning them to the goals and objectives of the business; in case of downsizing in the organization, the remaining staff are braced with the management and technical skills to handle the increased workloads; there is financial gain as the processes increases efficiency; those companies with business related problems are given an unbiased or fresh professional opinion or critique or evaluation; employee turnover is reduced by increasing job satisfaction, morale, and employee motivation; innovation is also increased bringing in new strengths to existing strategies, products, and the capacity of the company to adopt new technologies and methods (Ekot, 2010). The survey was quantitative in design which consisted of 20 questions in total; these questions were handed out to 30 employees, the questions were closed with set response format and this was to enable a rapid completion of the questionnaire and encourage employee’s response. However lack of response and feedback forced me to ask employees to attend a group meeting. The group discussion found that the staff were not being given enough training or training was not being offered in the areas like technical faults, tobacco sales, food safety while putting items into correct bags, handling of fuel, full pay point training, taking the customer to the product, security issues, and the

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Comparison of the Great Gatsby, Leisure Class, and Teaching in Tehran Essay Example for Free

Comparison of the Great Gatsby, Leisure Class, and Teaching in Tehran Essay Class differences in society are a major impact on the lifestyle of people. Even today we can see how it effects how a person experiences their life. In The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, we can clearly see how Gatsbys social status changes while in Reading Lolita in Tehran by Azar Nafisi we can see how class differences effect the opinions of the people in the class. The Theory of the Leisure Class by Thorstein Veblen also demonstrates the philosophy and the dynamics of the differences between the rich and the poor. In these three works, status is portrayed as a dominant force in shaping ones educational and/or social experience. In The Great Gatsby we can see how ones status effects a persons educational and/or social experience. Gatsby was born into a poor family and so he wasnt able to get a proper education. Instead he worked as a clam-digger and a salmon-fisher, unlike Tom and Nick who had the best education due to their higher status and abundance of money. Gatsby had a different social experiece from Nick who was raised as a wealthy young boy who knew of his status. This acted as a confidence booster, one that assured him of his identity. Nicks father once said to him Whenever you feel like criticizing anyone just remember that all the people in this world havent had the advantages that youve had (1). Gatsby, on the other hand, had a different social experience. Gatsby wasnt spoiled and became mature at a younger age. However, when Gatsby moves to West Egg, his educational and social experiences now differ from his past due to him being a higher status. Gatsby, now a wealthy man, is able to pursue an education with more confidence. He is also able to experience a new social standing. An example of him excercising his new wealth and position in society is his hosting of popular parties in which he is able to observe how higher class people interact. Despite this he is always uncomfortable with the rest of the higher class and is only a spectator of his parties. He never really fits in because although he is now a higher class, he grew up poor with different ideals. Growing up in a different environment made Gatsby think that with money he can achieve anything even his goal of attaining Daisys love. His naivety with money shows distinct class division between poor and rich. Interaction between men and women in Tehran make women dependent on men. Gender plays a role in determining staus in Tehran. No matter how poor a man is he is seen as having more status than most women. In the excerpt Reading Lolita in Tehran, we can see the different educational and social values between men and women. Since men are raised thinking they have the superior status and their outlook on women are all similar. Unlike men, women are forced to be dependent on the male because of Tehran laws. This restricts women to do what men want to. Educationally both men and women were taught in this excerpt ,but how they perceived education was different. For a very religous man like Mr Nyazi, The Great Gastby as a book goes against eveything he believed in. Religon and his beliefs made him more narrow-minded and unable to look at the whole picture, making his argument biased. Mr. Nyazi argued, West is our great enemy, it is the Great Satan, not because of its military might, not because of its economic power, but because of its sinister assault (126). For a woman in Tehran to be able to argue back to a man was a big deal. Zarrin had a less biased view than Mr. Nyazi arguing how he wasnt reading critically enough. Zarrin said, An inablility to read a novel on its own terms. All he knows is judgement, crude, and simplistic exaltation of right and wrong (128). In this particular society, gender is a status that is even more difficult to break through than wealth. Being born into a wealthy family meant that you have many advantages. In The Theory of the Leisure Class we can see how the standards of the wealthy are very different from the poor. Being born into a higher class also comes with social pressure to be like everyone else and be different from the poor. Thorstein speaks of some guidelines wealthy people follow to show off their wealth to say Im not poor ,but rich. At this tage of wealth consists chiefly of slaves benefits accruing from the possesions of the riches and personal service and the immediate products of personal service(1). What the wealthy experience is very different from the poor. The wealthy has more freedom of choice, having more leisure time to do what they please, while the poor must work everyday to survive. Whether through status or gender ,these roles in society inevitably effect the experiences and oppurtunities that are offered. Gatsby being how he changed from the lower class to the higher class or even how Zarrin viewed The Great Gatsby versus Mr. Nyazis view.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Tenancy Agreement Problem Question

Tenancy Agreement Problem Question Abstract The primary scope of this paper is to consider whether parties who enter into an agreement that purports to be a licence can be said to have entered into a lease agreement. If a party can enter into a so called licence agreement and it later appears to be a lease, the tenant will be protected as an assured tenant under the Housing Act and the landlord will find him/herself subject to the provision of the Act. The paper first discusses the difference between a licence and a tenancy. With reference to cases and literature the paper proposes that the actual agreement between the parties is that of landlord and tenant. The paper further discusses the protection afforded to tenants under the Housing Act 1988. Introduction Tenants enjoy statutory protection and to avoid it, landlords require prospective occupants to sign licence agreements. What is the nature of the agreement between David and the occupants of the flats? Licence to Occupy or Tenancy Agreement A license gives the occupant the permission to occupy his/her premises but does not confer an interest in land.[1] A lease on the other hand creates an interest in Land. In Street v Mountford [1985] 2 All ER 289 (299), Lord Templeman set out three hallmarks of a lease: Exclusive possession Rent and Term Although rent payments will normally be payable, it is submitted that the requirement to pay rent is not essential to a lease agreement.[2] A lease only has two requirements: Exclusive possession and a term. The licence also provides for a term but does not grant exclusive possession. To determine whether there is a lease or a licence it is necessary to look at the form and substance of the agreement and the genuine intention of the parties is important. There is no hard and fast rule and it is not always easy to determine whether exclusive possession exists. What rights has the owner retained pertaining to use of the premises? If the agreement requires from the occupier to share with another or the owner, the occupier will not have exclusive possession. Employee Occupancy The service agreement between employer and employee entitling the employee to live in the employer’s accommodation in order to perform his duties as employee is an example of exclusive occupancy that does not confer an interest in land. The employee is not occupying for himself but on behalf of the employer. In Street v Mountford, op. cit. the court said that the possession of the servant is treated as the possession and occupation of the master but it must be strictly ancillary to the performance of the duties which the employee has to perform within the employment relationship. Cases The leading case is Street v Mountford, op. cit. Mrs Mountford had the right to occupy a furnished room under a written agreement which stated that it was a licence and she had no protection under the Rent Act. The court held that the true distinction between a lease and permission personally to occupy lay in the exclusivity of possession which Mrs Mountford enjoyed. Despite the wording the true nature of their agreement was that of landlord and tenant. The court in Antoniades v Villiers Anor [1988] EWCA Civ 3 (17 March 1988) followed the judgement of Street v Mountford op. cit. where Lord Templeman criticised the finding in Somma v Hazelhurst [1978] 1 WLR 1014 (Each occupant signed a separate agreement). In this case the occupants were partners too. The owner presented an agreement that was drafted on the same terms of the agreement in Somma v Hazelhurst op. cit. Mr Villiers and his Partner signed two separate agreements stating that the nature of the agreement is a licence. The owner was entitled to put someone else in too and in fact a friend stayed with the respondents for a period of time. On appeal the court held that the respondents did have exclusive possession and called the agreements pretence. The agreements did not reflect the reality of the situation and the court held that a lease was created.[3] The pretence doctrine can be seen as a three stage process: The courts must establish that there is a consensus ad idem between the parties. If the parties agreed to a term to avoid statutory protection, it should be struck out. The remaining part of the agreement will determine if it is a lease or not. Multiple occupancy arrangements are more difficult to decide. In AG Securities v Vaughan, op. cit. the court referred to unity of possession, title, time and of interest and held that there was a licence only since unity of time, title and interest were missing. There are three ways of looking at the nature of the agreements: There are a series of licences and no protection under the Housing Act.[4] Each individual has exclusive possession of a bedroom whilst sharing the other facilities and each has a lease providing security[5] There exists a joint tenancy of the whole as found in Antoniades v Villiers op.cit. Advice Ben, Clara and Alan are all living in the same flat. Ben and Clara live together in one room and Alan in his own room. They are sharing the rest of the flat. The position with Ben and Clara is the same as that in Antoniades v Villiers, op.cit. save that Alan is in the second room. Ben and Clara have exclusive possession of their room and one cannot validly argue that someone else can be placed in their room with them. All three of them also fall under the second scenario since they have exclusive use of their bedrooms but they share other facilities. Section 3 of the Housing Act provides security to them. The real nature of the relationship is that of a lease. The students are entitled to protection under the Housing Act. The tenant has tenure and a sale to Fred does not affect their security. Edward is not in the flat as part of his job as clerk for David. There is no mention of the nature of the agreement but there is clearly a term and exclusive possession. The relationship between Edward and David is also a lease. In all circumstances none of the students or Edward can be evicted without following the correct procedures. The Housing Act 1988 In terms of Section 19A of the Act, the agreement between David and the Students and David and Edward are assured short hold tenancies. The landlord cannot validly terminate the tenancy without the obtaining an order of court, or in the case of a fixed term tenancy which contains power for the landlord to determine the tenancy in certain circumstances, by the exercise of that power. Edward is protected by Section 5 of the Act as an assured short hold tenant. The only way that Fred can end the assured short hold tenancy is by make the premises his principal residence and approaching the court for an order without any court appearance. Bibliography: Books Bright, S. and Gilbert, G., Landlord and Tenant Law: The Nature of Tenancies, (1995), Clarendon Press Legislation: Housing Act, 1988 Housing Act, 1996 Housing Act, 2004 Law of Property Act , 1925 Cases: Street v Mountford [1985] 2 ALL ER 289 Ashburn Anstalt v Arnold [ 1988] 2 All ER 147 Antoniades v Villiers Anor [1988] EWCA Civ 3 (17 March 1988) Somma v Hazelhurst [1978] 1 WLR 1014 AG Securities v Vaughan; Antoniades v Villiers [1988] 3 All ER 1058 Other sources: Law Commission, Landlord and Tenant. Reform of the Law:, Law Com No 162, 1987 Internet sources Tenants Know Your Rights> as at 14 November 2008 Housing- In England, Tenancy Agreements> as at 14 November 2008 Residential Tenancies What is a Tenancy> as at 14 November 2008 The Letting Centre Factsheet 18 Residential Tenancy Agreements> as at 14 November 2008 Assured and Assured Shorthold Tenancies, A guide for tenants> as at 14 November 2008 [1] Licences, Key points,> at 14 November 2008 [2] Ashburn Anstalt v Arnold [ 1988] 2 All ER 147; Law of Property Act 1925, Section 205(1)(xxvii) [3] AG Securities v Vaughan; Antoniades v Villiers [1988] 3 All ER 1058 [4] AG securities v Vaughan, op. cit. 7 Housing Act 1988, Section 3

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Sales Ethics Essay -- essays research papers fc

Sales Ethics What are they and how can they be better Followed? To fully understand the nature of the question posed one must know the meaning of ethics. Webster’s dictionary defines ethics as the philosophical study of the moral value of human conduct and of the rules and principles that ought to govern it; moral philosophy, the moral fitness of a decision, course of action, etc. Basically, I believe ethics is how one makes a decision according to the social norm that surrounds him. The social norm includes not only the culture but the laws and standard procedures of the environment. These laws and norms must be fully understood before one can understand the ethical significance of one’s decision.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  With that definition being stated we must look at the environment in which the activity in question occurred, a common sales exchange. The salesman obviously works for a company that governs his behaviors and measures his performance. Therefore, they provide a structure of rules for him to follow in his job. In my opinion, by breaking these rules he has acted unethically.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The world of business is very complex and filled with decisions. Wither large or small they all have an effect on the final product. Often time’s employees are monitored very heavily and are not given the change to make an unethical decision. Salesmen however are not monitored and can make decisions that greatly benefit themselves and not the company. This is the case in the example given to us. Because of the salesman’s lack of performance he has to alter his actual performance to make it seem like he is doing his job right. While this is a small and seeming insignificant procedure it can hurt a company very badly. It is not ethical and is very bad business conduct.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Some may say that this practice is all right and does not affect a company in any way. This is not true. The losses associated with these types of unethical behavior average more than $3,000 per employee per year in tangible, measurable costs. That doesn't count the losses in customer confidence, damage to the organization's reputation, loss of employee commitment to and confidence in leadership, or other, less-tangible costs.( Navran, Frank, 1997) Companies have guidelines for a reason. If they are broken then they loose money and c... ...unethical behavior in the pursuit of business objectives. One quarter reported that their companies' managers look the other way and ignore unethical business conduct to meet business objectives. ( Navran, Frank, 1997) If managers keep pushing and pushing then salesmen will soon not be able to keep up. They almost have to cheat to keep their job. There are many unethical practices going on in today’s business world. While they may seem insignificant they create a downward spiral that could eventually kill their business. Both managers and salesmen need to work together to eliminate the problem. Until they do unethical behaviors will continue to occur.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Works Cited Are Your Employees Cheating to Keep Up? Ed. Navran, Frank. Copyright ACC Communications Inc 1997 Do Sweat the Small Stuff. Ed. Meyer, Charlene. Journal for Quality & Participation 26, no. 1 (Spring 2003): p. 31-32 A Typology of Situational Factors: Impact on Salesperson Decision Making About Ethical Issues. Ed. Ross, William; Robertson, Diana. Journal of Business Ethics 46, no. 3 (Sep 2003)

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Case Study of Warren E. Buffet :: Business Management Studies

Case Study of Warren E. Buffet In 1995 Berkshire Hathaway has made a bid for the shares of GEICO. This report reviews the offer made by Warren Buffet and will try to prove that the acquisition of GEICO will serve the long-term goal of Berkshire Hathaway and the bid price was appropriate. Furthermore, it will explain what may have caused for the share price increase for Berkshire Hathaway at the announcement of GEICO’s acquisition. Would the GEICO acquisition serve the long-term goals of Berkshire Hathaway? In 1976, Warren Buffet paid $45.7 million for 34.25 shares of GEICO. Review of GEICO’s historical dividends shows that GEICO has been a very profitable investment for Berkshire Hathaway. The growth rate for 1994 is a sharp increase, but even if the growth rate for 1994 is not considered, GEICO’s historical increase in dividends has been considerably high so that acquisition of GEICO will serve the long-term goals of Berkshire Hathaway. What might account for the share price increase for Berkshire Hathaway at the announcement? Review of Warren Buffet’s historical investment success might explain the increase in share price for Berkshire Hathaway at the announcement. Given that he has had a good track record, it is expected that shareholders respond positively. In 1977, the price of Berkshire Hathaway was $89 closing at $25,400 by 1995, an unparalleled annual growth of 37.7%. In comparison, the growth rate of the S&P 500 over the same period was 14.3%. Warren Buffet’s formidable investment performance was also demonstrated when Berkshire Hathaway acquired Scott & Fetzer. Berkshire Hathaway paid $315 million for Scott & Fetzer in 1985 after which they received significant dividends. Again, Buffet’s investment performance on the acquisition of Scott & Fetzer outperformed the S&P 500 evident by an internal rate of return (IRR) of 26.4% including the 1994 cash flow or 14.9% without 1994 cash flow on the Scott & Fetzer investment. Clearly, Warren Buffet’s positive investment performance carried a significant weight and influences the market to have a more optimistic outlook on his investments. Conversely, his historical records of investment success do add value to shareholders trust. Was the bid price appropriate? GEICO Corp was selling for $55.75 at the time Warren Buffet and Berkshire Hathaway made an offer of $70 including a 26% premium over the current GEICO stock price. One would expect that what appeared to be an overprice bid would lead to a negative market reaction. On the contrary, Berkshire Hathaway’s shares closed up 2.4% for the day for a gain in market value of $718 million after the announcement. The gain’s effect was twofold – it increased the value of GEICO shares (34.25 million) Berkshire Hathaway already owned and it also made the

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Blacks in Victorian England Essay -- Victorian Era

The Othered Victorians Introduction The Victorian period was a time of great hypocrisy. Despite the fact that the Protestant work ethic was gaining popular support amongst the Victorians and myths such as Samuel Smiles' "rags to riches" became part of mainstream Victorian culture, the Victorians were greatly divided into their respective social classes. Works like Thomas Carlyle's "The Irish Widow" and Elizabeth Barrett Browning's "The Cry of the Children" exemplified the blatant disregard of the upper classes to that of the lower class. If the Victorians were divided amongst themselves, imagine what it was like for people of different religions and races. The Blacks of this period was one such race that suffered tremendously throughout the Victorian period. They were referred to as The Othered Victorians. Blacks Victorian Novels In Victorian novels blacks were depicted as wild savages who were incapable of controlling themselves without the supervision of a noble upper class Victorian. Characters such as Miss Swartz (Swartz is a German word meaning black; it is also a popular German-Jewish name) and Samboo (a general and derogatory term used to refer to all blacks) within William Makepeace Thackeray's Vanity Fair were depicted in such a way. For example, on the day of Amelia's departure, Miss Swartz was described as, "[T]he rich wooly-haired mulatto from St. Kitt's†¦she was in such a passion of tears that they were obliged to send for Dr. Floss, and half tipsify her with salvolatile" (Thackeray 206). Origin of Prejudice Where did these prejudices stem from? These prejudices are remnants of the colonial era. Before the Victorian period, the days of Christopher Columbus, there was a fever of exploration and discov... ...the Victorians were more appalled by a marriage across class lines than across racial barriers ("Before" 3). This does not suggest that they were still disgusted by interracial marriages-recall Rebecca, daughter of an opera singer, and Rawdon, son of an aristocrat in Vanity Fair. Works Cited "Before the Black Victorians." 7 November 2004. . "Creole in Black and White." 28 October 2004. . "Exhibiting 'Others' in the West." 28 October 2004. . Giddings, Paula J. The Romance of Two Black Victorian Writers. 18 August 2002. 28 October 2004. Lester, Julius. To Be A Slave. New York: Scholastic Inc., 1968. "Phrenology." 8 November 2004. .

How Montessori Environmet Differs Than Traditional Setup

Montessori environment differs from traditional education in many ways. Only a few of them are discussed below: In a Montessori environment the support is given to the natural development of the human being. The emphasis is on cognitive (the emergence of the ability to think and understand) and social development. Whereas in a traditional classroom, prescribed or arranged blocks of knowledge are transmitted into the child. The areas to focus on are rote (memorization technique based on repetition) knowledge.It is as if the information is poured into the brain of a child without much understanding of the process. In Montessori setup the child is not just there in the classroom to listen and receive whatever the teacher is â€Å"lecturing† him about (without even understanding a word). But he is there to think and ponder upon the work that is presented to him. Why and how the child arrives at what he knows is just as important as what he knows. In a Montessori classroom, the ind ependent activity is 80 % of the work, and the teacher directed activity accounts for the remaining 20 %.The reverse is true for the traditional setup. When the child is in a Montessori class, he has shown the activity once (if needed it can be presented again) and then it is up to him to choose from variety of activities that he was shown earlier. The child is allowed to choose his work, take it to his work space and repeat it as much as he wants. This whole process calls for independence. In a traditional classroom, the teacher is the one who decides what the child has to learn, also the pace of the learning process as well as how the learning will take place.The teacher is in control of the whole scenario so most of the activity takes place through her. Self corrected materials are used in a Montessori environment. A child relies on impersonal judgement that comes from his senses. Each material is prepared with control of error. Whereas an external force, means a teacher, is the one who corrects in a traditional way of learning. By using the self corrected materials the child acquires independence. If he makes a mistake, he can correct himself without any help from an adult. In a traditional classroom, the child always depends on the teacher to correct his mistakes nd to tell him if he has done his work correctly or not. This way the child looks for appraisal and always asks for teacher’s approval. The child does not do his work for his own inner satisfaction but he is always looking for outward reward or punishment. The Montessori way of learning puts emphasis on (self) discipline and freedom (within bounds). On the other hand, the point of view in a traditional setting is that children are inherently disorderly and that their willfulness and impulses must b inhibited by an external discipline.Montessori educators believe that children cannot develop a sense of inner discipline if all of the control comes from the outside. In a Montessori classroom, the child is free to choose his work (freedom of choice) but at the same time, he can only choose out of those activities that are already presented to him (freedom within bounds). He is free to do any work he wants or wishes to do but he has to follow an order in which the work was presented to him by the directress. In a Montessori environment the teacher’s role is that of a facilitator and guide while the role of the child is an active one.In a traditional classroom, the teacher plays a very dominant role in the classroom while the child is passive. The teacher, in a Montessori classroom, is mostly in the background. She just steps in when she feels that there is a need. She does not teach, in fact she directs and makes learning smooth and enjoyable, as compared to the traditional setup where the teacher mostly talks and the child just listens. Mix age group is one of the most important aspects of a Montessori environment. Same age group is the norm of a traditional educa tion. Mix age group in the Montessori classroom helps the teacher as well as the students.The elder children act as role models, direct the younger ones, and feel the sense of responsibility whereas the younger children look at the older ones with fascination. This sort of collaboration can be a helping hand for the teacher. The environment, in a Montessori classroom, is tailored according to the child. On the other hand, in a traditional classroom, the child has to adapt according to the environment. One of the main purposes of the Montessori education is to make the child independent and this can only be achieved if we cater to the needs of the child.Montessori classroom belongs to the child and that’s why the whole setup is child sized. The child in the Montessori environment is the center of everything. Montessori environment emphasizes that learning should be done through all five senses. Whereas, in a traditional setup, learning takes place mostly through listening, rea ding and watching. In a Montessori classroom hands on activities are used so that the child can use his senses to absorb the information (this way the information that is absorbed is long lasting) as compared to the traditional set up where the child sits passively, and listens to the teacher.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Dreaming in Cuban

Ricky Randazzo Dr. Littler English 190 8 June 2012 Section 1 2. Compare what Cuba means for Pilar in the beginning of Dreaming in Cuban with what it comes to represent by the novels end. Things that come to be expected can often be taken for granted. People who grow up in the United States come to expect certain freedoms because they have never been without those freedoms. Pilar in Dreaming in Cuban by Christina Garcia is no different. She was born in Cuba and was brought to United States when she was two years old.In the beginning of the novel Pilar dreams of being in Cuba, but by the end of the novel Pilar knows she belongs in NY. One night Pilar see’s her father with another women, she runs away to Miami to catch a flight to be in her beloved Cuba. Little does Pilar know her feelings about Cuba are about to change. Growing up in NYC Pilar doesn’t feel like she’s American or Cuban. This could be the reason for Pillar’s controversial painting of the statu e of liberty. Pilar is an artist, specializing in more abstract paintings.Pilar feels that art is the best way to express oneself and capture the idea of rebellion, and revolution. She feels like her mother Lourdes took her from Cuba against her will when she was to young to realize. Pilar has not been back to Cuba or seen her grandmother since. Pilar wants nothing more but to go back to Cuba. In the beginning of the novel Cuba represents something that was taken from her, something she wants back, something she wants to be apart of, something that she feels like she lost. She feels like her mother Lourdes is restraining her from returning to her beloved Cuba.This is possibly the reason why Pilar feels more connected with her grandma Celia in the beginning of the novel than her mother Lourdes. Celia loves Cuba the way Pilar thinks she loves Cuba. Pilar and Lourdes eventually return to Cuba for a week to see the family, reuniting them with Celia. When Pilar is finally in Cuba she rea lizes that it is not what she fantasized it to be. Pilar starts to realize all of the poverty in Cuba. She states, â€Å" look at those old American cars held together by rubber bands, don’t you know you could have new Cadillac’s with leather seats and power windows† (Garcia 221).Pilar is still naive at this point in the novel. She doesn’t understand the poverty in Cuba. Pilar also realizes that her and her grandmother Celia aren’t all that similar. She was searching for a mother like relationship with Celia because she thought they connected better than her and Lourdes did; however Pilar realizes that they are way different. They are so different it’s almost as if they speak different languages. Pilar realizes the toll Cuba had on her grandmother, she is old and run down both physically and mentally.Pilar realizes that Cuba did this to her grandmother. Perhaps what solidifies Pilar knowing she belongs in NY is the scene where she gets hit i n the face with the rock when trying to find Invanito. Blood is running down her face. She states that art couldn’t possibly capture what she was feeling at this moment. (Garcia)This is a way different Pilar then the beginning of the book. Where she believed that art captured this type of moment the best. Meaning that some things in life you just have to experience for yourself before you can have an accurate opinion.Pilar states that she belongs in NY by the end of the novel after being sure in the beginning of the novel that she belonged in Cuba. Pilar realized all the freedoms the United States gave her that Cuba couldn’t. Pilar realizes she couldn’t paint pictures she paints in the United States in Cuba. Pilar also realizes how serious the poverty and the fighting is in Cuba. Pilar realizes the toll Cuba had on her grandmother. Pilar like her mother Lourdes realizes how great of a place the United States could be.In the beginning of the novel Pilar took the freedoms that the United States gave her for granted, however only when she went to Cuba and had those freedoms taken away does she realize how great they really are. Section 2 1) Using a short story we have read and discussed during week 4, discuss how a parent/child relationship can enable but also inhibit an adolescent’s intellectual, emotional, and or spiritual growth. As a child you learn how to function in society by watching and learning from the people around you. The people that are around most as a child are your parents and siblings.A Parent/child relationship can enable but also inhibit an adolescent’s intellectual and emotional growth. In the short story â€Å"Bad Girls† by Joyce Oates, Marietta Murchison has three girls Icy, Orchid, and Crystal and their parent/child relationship does just that. Marietta is a single mom and her three daughters are in their teenage years. There are no instances in the text that suggest bad parenting from Marietta. S he loves her daughters and puts them as her number one priory over everything else. She even puts them over her relationship with Drum. Momma made her decision, like throwing a bolt to a lock door forever, she believed icy. She would never waiver in believing in Icy. Saying, â€Å"Nobody hurts my girls and gets away with it†Ã¢â‚¬  (Oates 424). Of course having a mother who loved them and put them first before anyone else enabled them intellectually and emotionally. This allowed them to go to school and to have a home with love. However with raising children everything isn’t black and white, children learn things not only through experiences they go through but also the experiences their mother goes through.During the course of the story Marietta dates some guys, and it is implied that she has been dating guys for a while. The girl’s father left when they were very young so they already developed a negative connotation towards men. Their mom moves from one meani ngless relationship to the next, their entire lives. This forces them to never trust any guy. They are confused and biased towards men. Orchard states, â€Å"Can a man have such feelings, like a women? Can a man be hurt? Is that possible? † (Oates). Orchards and the rest of the girls have a take on men that is severely skewed.The reason it is skewed is due to their mother’s relationships and experiences. Marietta Murchison was a great mom. She loved her girls very much and did everything in her power to protect them. This enabled her girls in a positive way to grow intellectually and emotionally. However her mom inadvertently inhibits their intellectual and emotional growth through her experiences and relationships. Her experiences and relationships force her girls to unintentionally distrust and misunderstand men. The Parent/child relationship between Marietta and her daughters enabled but also inhibited the adolescent’s intellectual and emotional growth.

Sunday, September 15, 2019


Adolf Hitler and The National Socialists: A Case Study in Political Constructivism ABSTRACT Adolf Hitler and his National Socialist Party gained and maintained power by adopting the philosophy of constructivism and applying it to political leadership. The Nazi leader took advantage of every situation which made his approach to morals and politics dependent on the climate of public, national, and international opinion at the time. This situational relativist approach can be considered constructivist in nature. Therefore, by selectively exploring the coups of Hitler and his henchmen the constructivist, unstructured nature of National Socialism will become apparent. By Mark Mraz Mark Mraz is an assistant professor of education at Slippery Rock University in Pennsylvania. He holds a PhD in C& I Social Studies Education from The Pennsylvania State University. Mark teaches social studies methods and foundations courses at Slippery Rock. Prior to coming to the University, He taught history and social studies for 29 years at the St Marys Area School District in St. Marys, Pennsylvania. Assistant Professor of Education Slippery Rock University Secondary Education Department 208D McKay Hall Slippery Rock, PA 16057 Email:mark. [email  protected] edu Phone: 724-738-2288 0 Electronic copy available at: http://ssrn. com/abstract=1126363 Adolf Hitler and the National Socialists: A Case Study in Political Constructivism Introduction Adolf Hitler and his national socialist movement gained and maintained power by adopting the philosophy of constructivism and applying it to political leadership. The Nazi leader took advantage of every situation which made his approach to morals and politics dependent on the climate of public, national, and international opinion at the time. An example of this contrived policy can be seen in the Nazi’s attempt to create a religion, the Reich Church. However, the general German public adhered to their Christianity and Hitler was forced back down when faced with severe prevalent resistance, thereby allowing the people to keep their religious beliefs (Goldenhagen). Undoubtedly, this situational relativist approach can be considered Constructivist. Therefore, by exploring a selective array of the major coups of Hitler and his henchmen; the constructivist unstructured nature of National Socialism is apparent. According to Hitler, in one of his many private diatribes to his inner circle of disciples, the ultimate goal of his whole policy was quite clear. Hitler’s employment of Machiavellian tactics can be seen as implied constructivism. Hitler stated: Always I am concerned only that I do not take a step from which I will perhaps have to retreat, and not take a step that will harm us. I tell you that I always go to the outermost limits of risk, but never beyond. For this you need to have a nose more or less to smell out; â€Å"What can I still do? † †¦ In a struggle against an enemy, I do not summon an enemy with force of fight. I don’t say: â€Å"Fight! † because I want to fight. Instead I say , â€Å"I will destroy you! And now. Wisdom, help me to maneuver you into a corner that you cannot fight back, and then you get the blow to the heart. (Rosenbaum, 382). This passage suggests that Hitler had a goal in mind but the means to the end 1 Electronic copy available at: http://ssrn. com/abstract=1126363 involved a series of constructed scenarios to back his opponents into a position of weakness by giving them no room to maneuver. This is exactly what he did when he took over Austria, the Rhineland, and Czechoslovakia. Hitler harangued, browbeat, and got a vast territory without firing a shot. This weaving and bobbing like a prize fighter on the world stage of geo-politics is dangerous for both the winner and loser. Because the relativity of the circumstances can be misconstrued as vital to the national interest.. This situational contrived metaphysics of the whole history of the National Socialist Workingmans Party’s rise to power can be interpreted as Machiavellian. Machiavellianism, is by its very â€Å"Realpolitik-politics void of ethics† nature is a process that is constructivist due to the solipsistic beliefs of its adherents always laboring for the welfare of one’s state at the cost of others countries. This ultimately leads to means that are built to real goals by situational circumstance and contrived ethics. According to Claudia Koonz, Professor of History at Duke Univesity: Hitler was a keen judge of his constituency’s desires and needs, which allowed him to fashion his state around principles of secular racism which were void of religion. Basing their notions of ethical behavior on the civic virtues of the ethnic Germanic community and hatred of outsiders, the national socialists; had an amoral compass (Koonz). This moral construction, based on underlyin g prejudices was seen by the majority of Germans as being proper and ethical, are another example of the constructivist philosophy of the Third Reich. Hitler and his disciples gave the masses what they wanted security from outsiders. Many Germans were xenophobic about Bolshevism and other alien ideologies; that if adopted would destroy the socio-political cultural fiber of Germanic Teutonic society. All 2 ideas counter to the Nazi Utopia of Aryan supremacy in all socio-cultural-geo-political spheres were perceived by the masses as a threat or a wart on the body politic which had to be removed. Thus creating a surgical mind set about the elimination of undesirable Non-German elements in society. This whole outlook of the reign was conditioned by this contrived metaphysics which made murders out of learned people who under normal circumstances would be humane. Constructivism as a Philosophy in Theory and Practice Constructivism is a philosophical perspective that contends that all truths or facts are â€Å"constructed. † Therefore, truth is contingent on situational, social experience and individual perception. Constructivist philosophy in education holds that pupils are not passive vessels of knowledge, but actively involved in the creation of knowledge through their experiences. The adherents to this philosophy believe that truth is made or invented, not discovered or learned (Ozmon). So if one would take this philosophy to the extreme, it would be easy to extrapolate that truth can be contrived to fit the need of the moment. Indeed a tactic, employed by the national socialists, was to learn from their experiences and invent the truth to fit the circumstances. This certainly was the case during the unsuccessful beer hall putsch of November 8-9, 1923. During the Nazi’s failed attempt to take over the government of Bavaria by force, Hitler gave several speeches to his followers acting like they had effectively made a coup and won the day. When in reality, they had lost, some were killed and Hitler and his entourage went to prison (Hitler). Out of this experience, Hitler stipulated that his goal was the same, to gain control of the government, but the means were different. The unsuccessful attempt to take over by brute force was replaced with legal constitutional 3 means to gain control. Hitler from then on used democracy to destroy the representative government in Germany. He would work the system to his advantage (Gordon). According to the British Historian, Bevin Alexander, even though Hitler was not aware of Sun Tzu, he subscribed to his axiom: â€Å"The way to avoid what is strong is to strike what is weak (Alexander, ix). † Between 1933 and 1940, the Fuehrer avoided the strong and attacked the weak with great triumph. Hitler and the Nazi’s had the uncanny ability to become protean when the circumstances called for it. He also had a huge talent for spotting and taking advantage of the insecurities and vulnerabilities of his opponents. Using these abilities, which might be called Machiavellian logic or simply constructivism, Hitler gained the upper hand in every situation beginning with his elevation to chancellor in January of 1933, and ending with the capitulation of France in July of 1940. However, after the invasion of Russia in July of 1941, he abandoned his constructivist geo–politics in favor of all out pursuit of a policy detrimental to his own country. Because of his hatred of Bolshevism and Jews, Hitler invaded Russia. He had been allied with Stalin and had gotten enormous amounts of oil as well as other raw materials needed for war from the Russians. The invasion put an end to these supplies. The Nazi’s gravely miscalculated the extent to which the Russians were fanatical about their land and not Communism. This â€Å"love of mother Russia† led to the most tenacious fighting in human history. Hitler was on the cusp of ultimate victory when in late 1940 and 1941 he changed that policy, and began to strike at the major powers of Britain, Russia, and eventually the United States. Hitler’s constructivist theory of â€Å"kicking in the 4 oor and the whole thing will collapse,† was a grave misinterpretation from which there was no retreat and deadly consequences (Alexander). Nazi Geo-Political and Socio-Cultural Coups as case studies in Constructivist Leadership During every phase of the development of the Nazi Reich, Hitler would ally with potential enemies to get what he wa nted. When Hitler was appointed chancellor, he was the head of a coalition government that contained people he did not like from both the left and the right politically. However, in a constructivist style all his own he embraced the arrangement to get to power (Evans 2005). Once Hitler became chancellor, he derailed all efforts for any opposition to gain a majority in parliament and on that pretext argued the demise of Reichstag representation. His own party had lost the majority so he was arguing to dissolve his own government. Hitler’s persuasive opinions caused President Hindenburg to acquiesce to the chancellor’s wishes and he dissolved the legislature. New elections were scheduled for early March, but before that could take place, the Reichstag building or the German Parliament burned down (Bullock). It is believed that Hitler’s confederates started the fire and blamed it on Communists. Once there was a perceived threat, the Nazi’s evoked Article 48 of the Weimar Constitution which enabled the chancellor to do away with the civic liberties of the people to protect the nation from fanatical threats from either the left or right. By doing this, the Nazi’s gave the impression that they were the stable element in society and not reactionary radicals, which they actually were. Then as the prize fighter metaphor suggests he simply weaved, bobbed, and counterpunched his way to the Enabling Act. This act fused the office of chancellor and president together giving Hitler dictatorial control of Germany by legal means (Evans 2005). Another episode of Machiavellian constructivist philosophy would be the German-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact of 1939. Hitler hated the Soviet Union and Communism. But he hated the thoughts of a two front war more. In chameleon-like fashion Hitl er courts his most hated enemy in friendship to get what he wants, no counter-attack by the Soviet Union to save Poland. Once he consolidates his Eastern frontier by agreement with the Russians, he hits the Western Democracies (Bullock). Where constructivism really becomes apparent is when one looks at the â€Å"Final Solution. † The Nazi leader stated that if there were no Jews it would be necessary to invent them because the masses need a tangible, concrete enemy and not an abstraction (Fuchs). Since the war many historians have developed various historiographic theories for the policies that led to the Holocaust. Two historical schools of thought have developed: the functionalists and intentionalists. The intentionalists hypothesized that there was a plan for the genocide of the Jews since 1924 (Dawidowicz). Functionalists, also known as structuralists believe that the holocaust was the product of the structural rivalry within the Nazi government and it was functional circumstances that lead the Third Reich from deportation to destruction of the Jews (Browning). Hitler’s actions from 1933 to 1941 involved a policy for forced deportation and exile of Jews. This seems at odds with the planned extermination theory. If he had that plan in mind why would he allow them to leave? One would think he would keep them locked up till he could get the death camps functioning (Framer). 6 Accordingly, a clarification of lexicon may be in order. The functionalist and structuralist schools contend that: 1) Hitler was actually a weak leader who was dependent on governmental and party organizations. 2) Rivalry between four power groups: army, economy, state administration, and Nazi Party/SS lead to constructivist policy making (Browning). The opposite school of thought is the intentionalist which believes that: 1) Hitler was a strong leader and implemented his will. 2) Hitler had a long term plan primarily driven by ideology which he carried out (Marrus). Both interpretations have obvious flaws. The functionalists-structuralists paradigm overlooks the popularity of Hitler, as well as deliberate policy and put too much emphasis on the power and independence of various governmental agencies. The intentionalists ideas put too much emphasis on Hitler’ leadership and his development of a precise plan on paper which he ollowed from the 1920s onward. In recent years, there has been a synthesis of ideas on the Holocaust and a merging of the intentionalitists and functionalists interpretations which suggests that the policy that became the â€Å"Final Solution† was both a top down and bottom up structural construct that involved no master plan (Kenshaw). Clearly the functionalists and the synthesizers are in esse nce saying that the National Socialist policies can be seen as constructivist in that they developed more as a function of the state rather than from coherent plan devised in 1924. Hans Mommsen and Martin Broszat, historians, believe that the National Socialist State was not a modern government but a feudal state with under lords vying for power against others for Hitler’s approval. Accordingly, they contend that Hitler was a reactionary responding to situations rather than taking the lead in formulating policy. 7 Hitler had basic knee jerk reactions to problems that arose and this lead to the development of policy in a piecemeal approach. In addition, Hitler hated paper work so he formulated an idea and let an underling run with it to see what would happen. This constructivist, open ended approach permitted him to leave the minutiae of administrative paper work to others (Framer). His leadership style of constructivism caused a monumental degree of latitude for underlings from different institutions and different paradigms to develop policy. This leeway caused the innate conflicts to emerge within competitive governmental structures which lead to confusion and overlapping authority within the political system (Goldhagen). One can make a case that Hitler and his party developed situational ethics and along with it situational politics. These politics involved ideological ends with no means in place. So the function of the state was to develop the means to give them the end they had in mind as conceived by Hitler. Therefore by combining various historiographical schools of thought, functionalism, structuralism, intentionalism it is plausible that one gets constructivism. Lastly, there are the synthesizers who contend that both interpretations are correct but have flaws. It is my contention as an historian that Hitler was in total control but used a Machiavellian form of leadership that called for bold unches on the world stage. He had an overall goal in mind but no means to reach the goal. So using Machiavellian tactics and applying a constructivist philosophy he was able to successfully get what he wanted by a piecemeal approach, while letting underlings fight out the details at lower levels. This allowed him to take all the credit when things went right and to spread all the blame when things went wrong. 8 Works C ited Alexander, B. (2001). How Hitler could have won the world war II; The fatal errors that led to nazi defeat. New York: Three Rivers Press. Browning, C. R. (2000) Nazi policy, jewish workers, and german killers. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Bullock, A. (1962) Hitler: A study in tyranny. New York: Penguin Books. Dawidowicz, L. S. (1975) The war against the jews. New York: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston. Dobry, M. (June 2006) â€Å"Hitler, charisma and structure: Reflections on historical methodology. † Totalitarian Movements and Political Religions. 157-171. Draper, R. (February 8-22, 1999) â€Å"Decoding the holocaust. † The New Leader, 14-15. Evans, R. J. (2003) The coming of the third reich. New York: Penguin Books. Evans R. J. (2005) The third reich in power. New York: Penguin Books. Farmer, A. (September 2007) â€Å"The unpredictable past, hitler and the holocaust. † History Review, p 4-9. Flew, A. (1979) A dictionary of philosophy. New York: Gremacy Books Fest. J. C. (1973) Hitler. New York; Harcourt Brace and Jovanovich. Fuchs, T. (2000) A concise biography of adolf hitler. New York :Berkley Books. Goldhagen, D. J. (1997) Hitler’s willing exceutioners: Ordinary germans and the holocaust. New York: Vintage Books. Gordon, H. J. (1972) Hitler and the beer hall putsch. Cambridge: Princeton University Press, 1972 Hitler. A. (1975). Mein kampf. Boston: Houghton Mifflin. Kenshaw, I. (2000) The nazi dictatorship: problems and perspectives of interpretation New York:Oxford University Press Koonz, C. (2003) The nazi conscience. Cambridge: Bleknap Press of Harvard University Press. Marrus, M. R. (1987) The holocaust in history. London: University Press of England. 9 Ozmon. H. A. (2003) Philosophical foundations of education. Columbus: Prentice-Hall. Rosenbaum, R. (1998) Explaining hitler: The search for the origins of his evil. New York: Basic Books. 10

Saturday, September 14, 2019

3G Services in India

India’s much awaited third generation (3G) mobile services auction was reschedule to February 2010 as we shared in our earlier news. Before the long expected 3G auctions, telecom experts advised prospective operators to search for the High-end customers in their existing subscriber base and prepare to them to shift to high speed download with the 3.5G that the third generation spectrum would facilitate. The telecom expert’s view at a 3G India Mobile Operators Executive Summit was that the new service could lead to explosive 3G growth in India with low cost UMTS enable mobile phones. It would enable cheaper download of several applications like Mobile TV, Video clips of films and Sports like Cricket, Education network Gaming and Entertainment; for hi-end users, voice and video callings would be cheaper on 3G. The State run telecom operator Bhart Sanchar Nigam Ltd (BSNL) and Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Ltd (MTNL) who have been providing 3Gmobile services for some months and still only licensees to provide the 3G mobile and broadband service in India, enlightened the operators assembled with their own experience in the much hyped 3G domain. India’s First 3G mobile service operator MTNL ’s Chief General Manager (Wireless Services-Delhi), A. K. Bhargava pointed out how the problem was not in technology but in ancillary services like billing and customer management. â€Å"The customer does not care whether it is 3G or 2G; we have to educate him on what benefits to expect from 3G.† MTNL had fewcustomers to begin with but once the benefits were explained â€Å"we had one lakh new 3G customers in just a month†. The higher tariff at the beginning restricted usage but â€Å"when tariff came down, customer base multiplied†, he added. His view was that â€Å"it was too early to talk of 3G services becoming popular with bottom of the pyramid customers.† But for the service to be profitable, the customer search should include middle level users as well as hi-end ones. The potentialcustomers could be preselected from the existing subscriber base and told about what 3G could mean to each one of them. The MTNL executive suggested that operators must project 3G as a tool for enhancing efficiency, productivity and as promoting a changed life style and not as a mere upgrade on 2G. According to the BSNL principal general manager for value added services, Mr. S. S. Sirohi, 3G would be most popular with those who need to use Internet while on the move. â€Å"Download is quick with 3G bandwidth† he pointed out taking a leaf out of his company’s offer of 3G services in the last few months. Live TV would be most popular and also network games with 3G availability. Mr. Sirohi advised theprospective operators to offer a bouquet of services on 3G different from the ones they were so far offering on the 2G networks. â€Å"Opportunity for network games is enormous on 3G networks. This bouquet of services would drive the quest for rising average revenue per user†. Among other services that 3G would make popular, would be family services like multi-media. Operators should configure services before they begin to offer the higher bandwidth. Educate the customer to discover that for many of the hi-end services, 3G base would be much cheaper for him. The experts also wanted the cost of handsets that can enable use of 3G, to be cheaper than what they are today. â€Å"A handset costing Rs 5,000 may not be cheap by our standards† Mr. Bhargava pointed out. â€Å"It should come down to Rs.3000 or even less.† Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) member R. N. Prabhakar advised the operators to use existing 2G networks to transmit 3G service also, to reduce costs enabling them with right software. HSPA enabled networks would be able to handle 3G transmission. He assured mobilecustomers that the regulator would keep a watch on the quality of service of 2G operation even as networks move on to provide 3G services. Mr. Avner Amran, chief operating officer of leading 3G network provider TTI Telecom, a worldwide company with comprehensive 3G network operator service solutions experience in several continents likened the explosive growth of telecomin India as â€Å"more a kind of revolution than evolution, any operator going into 3G needs to prepare for the switching by advance preparation of the potential customer and lining up adequate applications†, he told a select audience at the summit organised by Bharat Exhibitions.Bharat Exhibitions MD Mr. Shashi Dharan said â€Å"3G about to become a reality from a dream† emphasizing the context of the event. The 3G auctions are expected to conclude by February There will be three type of customers to drive 3G in india†¦. 1. Business people using phones as Data Modem. Some thing similar to Reliance NetConnect or Tata Photon+. Pricing should be comparable to exiting broadband plans. 2. Connected Generation which needs to own one device to manage there social networks e.g. skype,twitter,facebook and always connected. 3. Parents of IT generation the great Indian Middle class who can always do with easy to use video phone services. 1. This delay of over three years has deprived Indian subscribers of the benefits of high-speed mobile data services, which is proven to affect positively the domestic economy 2. 3G will permit to offer data related services and also some innovative video VAS services. Giving millions of people access to broadband Internet in a short span of time. 3. This is also an opportunity for Indian developers to join efforts with operators to develop applications that will meet the needs of the Indian mobile user. And because of the size and India software skills, these could be rolled out into other emerging markets. 4. Moving 3G will enable high-speed data transfer enhance the user experience on services like live video streaming and many other graphic formats. As 3G is packet based, it uses wireless spectrum more efficiently than circuit switched formats. 5. The slow data transfer problems that subscribers faced with 2.5G will be improved by 3G. Also other services will be benefited by the higher bit pipe provided by 3G like music download or Internet applications/search. It will help operators offer rich content and new services such as mobile commerce, mobile music, video-based services and hi-speed mobile Internet services 6. One of the biggest benefits for operators in India for launching 3G is to provide additional spectrum for voice services. Many operators are starved of spectrum and as 3G offers four to five times the voice capacity of 2G spectrums, it is a cost-effective tool to deliver voice 7. Still India has a Poor broadband penetration (as of March 2008 there were only 6.22 million broadband subscriptions). mainly because the large untapped rural market. Is a big challenge to provide high bandwidth in rural areas using fixed lines. With 3G, network operators can offer wireless broadband services. Empowering services like telemedicine, virtual marketplace and e-learning can help to make people’s life better. 8. According to (FICCI), in India, 3G subscriber base is expected to reach 90 million by 2013, accounting for 12% of the overall wireless user base. By 2013, 3G service revenues are expected to generate $15.8 billion, accounting for a share of 46% in overall wireless service revenue. There will also be an increase in the share of non-voice services, including data card access, and short messaging service. The Average Revenue Per User (ARPU) from these services is expected rise from the present 9% to nearly 23%.† 2010. The Indian telecommunications industry is the world's fastest growing telecommunications industry,[1][2][3] with 688.38 Million telephone (landlines and mobile) subscribers and 652.42 Million mobile phone connections as of July 2010 [4] It is also the second largest telecommunication network in the world in terms of number of wireless connections after China.[5] The Indian Mobile subscriber base has increased in size by a factor of more than one-hundred since 2001 when the number of subscribers in the country was approximately 5 million[6] to 652.42 Million in July 2010.[4] As the fastest growing telecommunications industry in the world, it is projected that India will have 1.159 billion mobile subscribers by 2013.[7][8][9][10] Furthermore, projections by several leading global consultancies indicate that the total number of subscribers in India will exceed the total subscriber count in the China by 2013.[7][8] The industry is expected to reach a size of 344,921 crore (US$76.23 billion) by 2012 at a growth rate of over 26 per cent, and generate employment opportunities for about 10 million people during the same period.[11] According to analysts, the sector would create direct employment for 2.8 million people and for 7 million indirectly.[11] In 2008-09 the overall telecom equipments revenue in India stood at 136,833 crore (US$30.24 billion) during the fiscal, as against 115,382 crore (US$25.5 billion) a year before.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Advanced Practice Nursing Scope of Practice Essay

Advanced Practice Nursing Scope of Practice - Essay Example The present malady also arises from the licensing system and odious licensure laws, which leaves a large gap between the Registered Medical Practitioners and other HCP, in terms of medical autonomy and work ethos. The profession of RMP has evolved in such a way that there is no difficulty in reconciling their clinical abilities with their legal authority. Therefore, there are no legal barriers for doctors to venture into medical areas that lie outside their medical domain, or field of study and training. There are no legal implications, only their self control and self knowledge may be the restraining factors. But this is not so in the case of other HCP, especially in the nursing profession. Since, on their own, they do not have legal authority to do certain actions relating to the welfare of the patients. They may not interpret patient clinical data or act independently on such data; (Practice Alerts & Guidelines. 2006). Till the recent past, even routine practices could only be per formed with the consent of, and under the supervision of attending doctors. The crux of the issue lies in the fact that they are not in a position to take medical decisions which are outside their legal scope and could only act in patients care and executing medical regimens prescribed by a licensed physician, (Practice Alerts & Guidelines. 2006). It may be argued that just as Doctors referred serious cases to specialists, nurses could be entrusted with the care and treatment of minor ailments, and serious ailments could be referred to registered doctors for treatment. Doctors feel that their medical school education and professional training could not be undertaken by other HCP, and only, they are best suited to treat patients, irrespective of the severity of the disease the patient is suffering from. The Licensing regime has, by far, been the strongest impediment in the way of reforms in the medical field, since a license alone could justify grant legal authority